The Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI), represents the Domestic Garment Manufacturing Industry, which is one of the highest employers after Agriculture, directly employing close to 12 million employees, with close to 40% being women.

More than 90% of Garment Manufacturers in the country are in the MSME Sector, with more than half of these being in the Micro segment.

COVID-19 has plunged the industry into a crisis of unprecedented proportions, threatening the very survival of many of our smaller manufacturers. In a recent survey conducted by CMAI, it has emerged that at least 20% of our members believe they may consider closing down their business, unless some Government assistance is provided.

On one hand, the revenues of our members have come to a total halt (ZERO REVENUE) for the last 30 days and are likely to remain so in the coming 60 to 90 Days. On the other hand, the Government has issued advisories that enterprises must pay full salaries and wages to all workers, and that no employee should be out of employment.

Sir, manufacturers have for years treated their employees as an extended family and would like to ensure the maximum support for them. This is why the Garment Industry with great difficulty managed to pay the March salaries to its employees. However, going forward, in a situation where there is no income for such an extended period, it will be impossible for many of our smaller members to continue paying full salaries and wages, unless we receive some Government support.

As a representative of one of the most important employment generating industries, CMAI urges both, the Central Government as well as the States, to come up with innovative ways of protecting the interests of the workers without causing irreparable losses to the Industry and possibly leading to massive financial bankruptcies in the MSME Sector.