Rs 1,150 crore mega textiles park with potential of creating jobs to thousands of workers will come up at Warangal, rural district of Telangana, foundation stone of which will be laid by the state’s Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekar this month.
The Park will have ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing and other units and is expected to attract investments of over Rs. 11,000 crore, state deputy chief minister K. Srihari told newsmen at Chintalapalli.
Weavers who have migrated to Maharashtra, Gujarat and Haryana would be urged to return after the project is completed, he said. Telangana produces about 60 lakh bales of cotton a year, most of which is sent to adjoining states due to shortage of processing units.
Some Tiruppur based textile manufacturers have already committed to invest in the textile park.
– Apparel and Textile News, Apparel Talk, Indian Apparel