India now has its first location based fashion discovery platform, Fashalot. Consumers can now discover the finest labels in apparel, footwear and accessories available at the best prices at stores in their nearest locations by using the unique mobile app and web platform created by Fashalot.
Fashalot blends the virtual and ‘real’ shopping experience, gives its users a chance to select what to buy in a single swipe of the touchscreen while retaining the ‘real’ shopping satisfaction of trying out the product at the store, according to a Fashalot press release.
The innovative Fashalot horizontal platform was launched today on Android in Delhi and Bangalore, backed by its powerful marketing strategies for user adoption. The plan for the next six months is to expand its reach across the country with maximum retailers on board as partners.
This platform will enable users to identify their choice of product and pick it from their nearest brand store. Consumers will also be given benefits of instant cash discounts while shopping at the store through the Fashalot app. Additionally, it is anticipated that soon, the application will also offer loyalty points on all shopping done at the store which can be later redeemed into a pure value discount.