Salona Cotspin Limited, which specialises in producing 100 per cent cotton combed hosiery yarn and compact yarn with count ranging from 20s to 40s, has announced that it will enter into garment business. The Tamil Nadu based company currently has 24,336 spindles at its state-of-the art spinning unit located in Pungampalli village of Erode district.
“The company has decided to enter into garment business within the textile sector apart from its existing business,” Salona said in a filing to the stock exchanges.
The company keeps upgrading its existing machinery in order to produce the ultimate quality yarn adhering to international market standards. The cotton used in the spinning process is selected carefully for manufacturing yarn of best quality and productivity consistently.
It aims at manufacturing yarn of international quality with the highest level of competitiveness on all parameters as well as facilitates best innovative methods and implements them in time and in all stages of processing.
Promoted by Shyamlal Agarwala, the company’s board consists of six other directors who have vast experience in the textile industry. Agarwala has extensive knowledge about textile industry covering both domestic and export markets, and has been the president of Coimbatore Yarn Merchants & Brokers Association (CYMBA).
Apparel and Textile News, Apparel Talk, Indian Apparel